Easily Track Your Concerts 🤘

Concert Trackr is a tool to keep track of all concerts that you've bought tickets to.
Born out of annoyance to keep track of dates, locations, tickets and memories.

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Introducing Concert Trackr

Concert Trackr is a tool born out of the annoyance of remembering which concerts you have bought tickets for and when they are.

This tool will allow you to register your concerts and send notifications when they are about to occur.

Concert Trackr allows you to enter the artists name, a concert name, date and location. If you want to you can leave an optional note, for example the names of the people that you're going with. Or who has your ticket if you haven't bought it yourself.

After the concert is over you can upload a few images you took. Concert Trackr will then send a yearly mail of all the concerts you've been to!

How does it work?

When you buy tickets to head over to Concert Trackr to register the concert. Optionally you upload your tickets. These are fully encrypted by the way, only you with your password can decrypt these. This means that Concert Trackr cannot view your tickets

Concert Trackr will then send notifications at time intervals that you have specified. For example, one month before, one week before and one day before.

Try Concert Trackr Now

Concert Trackr is free software, register an account and add your upcoming concerts!

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